Guess what, you can now go to an art fair without leaving your own house. In case you haven’t heard about it this is because of the VIP Art Fair, where “VIP stands for - you guessed it! - “viewing in private.” Given the fact that art fairs tend to be affairs straight out of Dante’s Inferno (Level 3 obviously, with the rain and Cerebus replaced by their contemporary equivalents), in principle this is a most welcome development. Needless to say, with most art bloggers being happy to find problems with about everything (you could give them $1,000, and they’ll complain about it not being $2,000, what’s with the old bills?, and somehow they’ll also be able to find a way to bicker about Jerry Saltz) there have been complaints, some justified, others not so much. The site has at times been pretty slow I heard. I played around with the site and looked at some stuff - for photography, this format doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. It’ll be interesting to see when/if galleries will start to add parts of the fair to their websites (the zooming in, for example).