You can certainly wonder whether blogs should really be called blogs, but they are here to stay. To a large extent, this is due to the efforts of a few truly outstanding individuals whose blogs have become beacons of quality. People like Josh Marshall come to mind, or Ed Winkleman, and, of course, there is Geoff Manaugh and his blog BLDGBLOG.
The best of BLDGBLOG (or maybe the story so far) has just been published as The BLDGBLOG Book. If you are not familiar with BLDGBLOG, I don’t think you would guess from reading The BLDGBLOG Book
that its contents was published online, on a blog, before.
I don’t read most of Geoff’s writing on the computer. Instead, I print it out and then read it. In fact, some of his articles I did not read, instead thinking (or maybe hoping is the right word) it would come out as a book eventually anyway, and I didn’t want to be familiar with too much of its contents. Well, there was a gamble, but it certainly worked out very well.
So here it is now, The BLDGBLOG Book, highlighting where some blogs have taken us already. Beautifully designed, filled with a lot of photography (and Geoff’s wonderful interview with Simon Norfolk) - a book you have to have on your book shelve.