Ex-Gawkerite […] Is Posed for ‘Intimacy … Dreaminess’


General Photography

This article, which describes the photography around a recent NY Times Magazine article (which the first commenter very fittingly described as being equal to “the sophomore page of the student newspaper at Harding High in Yokelville, Ohio.”), is noticeable because it says a lot about how editorial portraiture works. I admit that I am a bit amazed that Emily Gould, the author of the article and subject of the portraiture, answers the question on whether she felt “exploited” with “Yeah, I really don’t want to talk about it.” It’s kind of like Miley Cyrus being sorry about her photo shoot after the fact (except that here, we have an actual adult talking).

Update (29 May): This Salon article discusses some of the non-photo aspects of what’s wrong with the aforementioned piece in the NY Times Mag.