Amazingly enough, this happens way too often…


General Photography

I get a link, think “Oh, great, new photos to look at!”, click on it. First thing, the browser is re-sized to fit the screen (how annoying!), so I revert that, then look. It’s the front page that is largely empty except for, smallish somewhere, the word “Enter”. Wow! Zen! Let go yee who enter here! Click! - another window pops up, about a sixth of the size of the screen [if you watched this whole process on TV, at this stage the bleeping over the audio would have to kick in]. The little screen is empty, except for a little wheel-like thing that appears to be rotating: I better wait. Who knows what for. The little wheel disappears. Now the screen is really blank. Oh wait, there’s a name slowly appearing somewhere. OK, now I got a little screen with a name. Having been through this before, I know I now have to move my mouse all over the little screen [*bleeeeeeeep*] until I find something. Oh wait, there’s something, I don’t know what it is, but let’s click. OK, I get a photo. Not bad. Now I want to see another one. But how? I move the mouse over the photo. No reaction. I click. No reaction. [*gratuitous bleeping*] Another photo appears. I must have done something. But what? There’s no way to tell. Eventually, I discover that if I move my mouse to a certain location, there’s a tiny “+”. Apparently, “+” means “next image”. How would I not know that: I must be getting old. OK, I’ve had enough, how do I get back to the main window? I start to wiggle the mouse all over the screen [*bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*, my cats start running from the room, and my wife comes in to ask whether everything is alright], in the end, I decide to close the window and click on “Enter” again (well, only on a good day really, but let’s just assume…). The same photo as before. However, I’d like to see something else. Is there anything else? In fact, what does it all mean? How do I find out? Will I ever find out? Apparently not, since finally I give up.