Over the course of the past twenty years, I have been maintaining a photography blog that is now simply known as CPhMag.com. In addition, I have been writing for magazines and other publications in the world of photography.
While many people might know me from my writing, I came to photography as someone taking pictures. Over the course of the past few years, my photography has focused on how neoliberal capitalsm has increasingly put our democracies at severe risk, while diminishing the quality of life of vast parts of the population.
As an educator, I have taught at a number of universities including the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, the Rhode Island School of Design, and the University of Hartford. I have taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I now offer private mentoring and workshops.
On the side, I am an unpaid personal assistant to my cats, I am always putting off the next haircut a bit too long, and I drink a lot of Japanese green tea to try to preserve my sanity.
I can be reached at jmcolberg at gmail.com.