About Jörg M. Colberg

I was born and grew up in Germany. After attending university and receiving a doctorate/Ph.D. in astrophysics I moved to the US, where I now work and live.

In the late 1990s, I created what has since become the standard visualization technique for supercomputer simulations of cosmic structure formation. My images have been reproduced many times in magazines (such as Scientific American) and books (see, for example, the cover of this widely used textbook).

I became interested in photography in 1999. Since 2002, I have been compiling Conscientious, one of the first and now one of the most popular blogs covering contemporary fine-art photography. In 2006, American Photo named me one of their Photography Innovators. In 2011, LIFE picked Conscientious for a photo blog award, writing "There's not an ounce of fluff here, which is why Conscientious is rightly seen and lauded as one of the very few essential photography destinations on the Web."

Interviews or articles by me have appeared in numerous magazines in the US, the UK, Holland, China, Singapore, Spain, and elsewhere, such as FOAM Magazine, British Journal of Photography, Creative Review, and others. I am occasionally curating photography exhibitions, the last one being Bare at Michael Mazzeo Gallery.

I contributed introductory essays for Hellen van Meene's monograph Tout va disparaître, Greg Girard's In the Near Distance, and Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann's Conditions, the latter of which I also co-published.

I am a professor of photography at the International Limited-residency MFA Photography Program at Hartford Art School/University of Hartford. I also worked as a visiting lecturer at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and at the Rhode Island School of Design.


I am available as a consultant both for professional photographers and for collectors interested in building and/or expanding their photographic collection. If you are interested in my services please contact me (via email [jmcolberg at gmail.com]).

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photo by Jim Tozzi